Jiacheng Zhang

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I am a postdoctoral researcher in Industrial Engineering & Operations Research Department at Univeristy of California, Berkeley advised by Professor Xin Guo. I obtained my Ph. D. in the Department of Operations Research and Financial Engineering at Princeton University supervised by Professor Daniel Lacker and Professor Mykhaylo Shkolnikov in 2021. Prior to these, I received my bachelor's degree in Math from Tsinghua University in 2016.

I can be contacted at jiachengz [at] berkeley [dot] edu
Here is my CV.

My research focus lies in the theory of probability and stochastic optimization. I have worked on stochastic partial differential equations, especially Mckean-Vlasov type equation, partial differential equations, mathematical finance like stochastic portfolio theory and stochastic volatility modeling in the past few years.




  • University of California, Berkeley
    IND ENG 263B Applied Stochastic Process II as an co-instructor together with Professor Xin Guo.


  • School of Engineering and Applied Science Award for Excellence (2021)
    This award is given to SEAS advanced graduate students who have performed at the highest level as scholars and researchers

  • Member of Tsinghua Xuetang Training Program for excellence in academy (2012-2016)

  • National Scholarship (2012)